Swift Codes of Savings Banks or Thrift Banks

You need a Swift code if you use a wire transfer to transfer money from one bank to another bank, particularly for international money transfers.

A Swift code is a unique identifier code for any bank in the world that conducts wire transfers.

Swift code is also known as BIC or Bank Identifier Code.

Savings Bank Swift Code
1st Valley Bank VADVPHM1
Banco De Oro Savings Bank ORSIPHM1
Bank of Makati MKRUPHM1
Bank One Savings and Trust ONSTPHM1
BPI Direct Savings Bank BPDIPHM1
BPI Family Savings Bank BPFSPHM1*
BPI Globe Banko BPGOPHM1
Century Savings Bank CESNPHM1
China Bank Savings CHSVPHM1
City Savings Bank CIVAPHM1
Citystate Savings Bank CIVVPHM1
(formerly Country Rural
Dumaguete City Development Bank         DCDEPHM1
Dungganon Bank DUMTPHM1
Equicom Savings Bank EQSNPHM1
Enterprise Bank ENTHPHM1
First Consolidated Bank FIOOPHMM
Hiyas Banking HIYCPHM1
Isla Bank ISTHPHM1
Legazpi Savings Bank LESIPHM1
Luzon Development Bank LUDVPHM1
Malayan Bank Savings
& Mortgage Bank MAARPHM1
Merchants Savings and
Loan Association MSLSPHM1
Microfinance Maximum
Savings Bank (MaxBank) MIMVPHM1
Optimum Development Bank OPDVPHM1
Pacific Ace Savings Bank PASVPHM1
The Palawan Bank
(Palawan Development Bank) PAPDPHM1
Penbank, a Private Development
Bank, formerly Peninsula Rural Bank) PEPDPHM1
Philippine Business Bank PPBUPHMM
Philippine Postal Savings Bank PHSVPHM1
Philippine Resources Savings PRVRPHM1
Philippine Savings Bank PHSBPHMM
Planters Development Bank PLDEPHM1
Producers Savings Bank PSCOPHM1
Queen City Development Bank QCDFPHM1
RCBC Savings Bank RCSAPHM1
Sterling Bank of Asia STLAPH21
Sun Savings Bank SUSVPHM1
TongYang Savings Bank TYBKPHMM
UCPB Savings Bank UCSVPHM1
United Overseas Bank
Philippines UOVBPHMM
Wealth Development WEDVPHM1
World Partners Bank WOPAPHM1

 . Most banks in the Philippines use one Swift code for all their branches within the country.
 . BPI’s website says that you can also use BPI’s Swift code BOPIPHMM to send to a BPI Family account.

What information do you need to make a wire transfer?
    – Your beneficiary’s account name, bank name, account no., and branch
    – Your name and contact info
– The bank might also ask for your IDs.

What does SWIFT stands for?

SWIFT is an acronym for the Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunication, the entity based in Belgium that maintains the Swift code for more than 11,000 banks and other financial institutions around the world.

What is a Routing No.?
In the Philippines, a Routing No. is usually used for routing cheques. It’s the number on the top right corner of the cheque. It’s R/T No. It’s the code of the branch issuing the cheque.

In the U.S., a Routing No. is also used on cheques or other negotiable instruments. It’s a 9-digit number on the bottom left corner of the cheque. It indicates the location of the issuing bank. It’s sometimes called ABA routing no. or routing transit number or RTN.

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