Replacement of Lost PNB Passbook

This is how to replace your lost PNB passbook. You also do this if your passbook is stolen or misplaced.

Immediately,  go to your branch and submit a notarized Affidavit of Loss and request for the replacement of your passbook.  Your affidavit must describe the circumstances surrounding the loss or theft of your passbook.

Or you can also go to your branch and ask for PNB’s standard form for replacing your lost passbook.  You might be or might not be required to have this form notarized.

Bring at least 2 valid IDs.    

PNB reserves the right to change its rules on the replacement of stolen or lost passbooks.


  1. Benjie 05/26/2020
    • Nora 05/26/2020
  2. Analyn dela cruz 01/06/2023
    • Nora 01/07/2023
  3. Jannell Samson 04/01/2023
    • Nora 06/18/2023
  4. Chix 07/11/2023
    • Nora 07/11/2023
  5. She 07/27/2023
    • Nora 07/27/2023
  6. Fred 08/27/2023
    • Nora 08/27/2023

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