Only 1,000 yen for every remittance of up to 450,000 yen! No tax!
You can make money transfer from Japan to the Philippines using your mobile phone via the DOCOMO Money Transfer Service. Just subscribe to the DOCOMO FOMA 3G or Xi (with i-mode or sp-mode) service.
You don’t need to have a bank account in Japan. Just open a DOCOMO Kouza (DOCOMO account) using your mobile phone. Then deposit money to this account free of charge via ATM, Internet banking or mobile banking. From this account, you can send money to your recipient in the Philippines through an account with SMART Money, affiliated bank, or affiliated remittance service.
Your recipient:
– needs to present and ID and Transaction Password
– receives money in pesos
– usually can receive the money the next day
– must get the money within 15 days, if CASH PICKUP (Money will be returned after 15 days. If remittance is DEPOSIT TO BANK ACCOUNT, okay lang, hindi ito applicable, kasi nasa iyong bank account na yong pera)
Operating hours in Japan:
6 am to 3 am (Japan time)
How much can you send?
You can send up to 450,000 yen per day, but you can send only up to 500,000 yen per month, including remittance fee (Subject to change)
Minimum remittance amount, including charge: 7,000 yen
1. Subscribe to the DOCOMO FOMA 3G or Xi (with i-mode or sp-mode) mobile phone service.
2. Register with the DOCOMO Money Transfer service.
How do you register?
Ask for a registration form via your mobile phone’s i-mode or sp-mode.
Or call from a landline phone: 0120-005-250 (English, Portuguese, Chinese, Spanish or Korean), from 9 a.m. to 8 p.m.
Or call from your DOCOMO mobile phone: 151 (toll free, in Japanese only), from 9 a.m. to 8 p.m.
You will receive a registration form via postal mail.
Fill up the form and send it back, together with a copy of your Certificate of Alien Registration (foreigner) or Japanese driver’s license or Japanese passport (Japanese national). You will receive confirmation after about one week. You will use a network PIN to enter the DOCOMO money transfer site.
3. Open a DOCOMO kouza.
Go to your DOCOMO mobile phone’s MENU and choose DOCOMO Money Transfer.
4. Deposit money to your DOCOMO kouza via Internet banking, ATM or mobile phone.
5. Go to your DOCOMO Money Transfer menu and send money to the Philippines.
– In your mobile phone’s SETTINGS, DO NOT enable docomo Keitai Soukin (in Japanese only) usage restriction setting
– You cannot acccess the DOCOMO money transfer menu while on International Roaming.
– You can use this money transfer service only while you are in Japan.
Oo nga pala, you need to be more than 20 years old to be able to use this DOCOMO Money Transfer to the Philippines na remittance service.
Philippine banks for DEPOSIT to ACCOUNT:
- Allied Bank
- Banco de Oro (BDO)
- Bank of Commerce
- Bank of the Philippine Islands (BPI)
- BPI Family Bank
- China Bank
- Citibank
- Development Bank of the Philippines (DBP)
- East West Bank
- Land Bank ofthe Philippines (Landbank)
- Metropolitan Bank and Trust Co. (Metrobank)
- Philippine Bank of Communications
- Philippine National Bank (PNB)
- Philippine Trust Bank Co. (Philtrust)
- Rizal Commercial Banking Corp. (RCBC)
- Security Bank and Trust Co. (SBTC)
- United Coconut Planters Bank (UCPB)
- Allied Bank
- Cebuana Lhuillier Services Corp.
- China Banking Corp.
- Michel J. Lhuillier Financial Services Inc.