BPI Remittance Offices in Spain

There are 2 BPI remittance offices in Spain: in Madrid and in Barcelona.


No. 4-1 Calle
General Margallo, 28020

Tel: 003491-579-4912
Email: bpimadrid@bpi.com.ph


Calle Joaquin Costa
50 08001

Tel: 003493-301-1537
Email: bpibarcelona@bpi.com.ph

If you’re far from Madrid or Barcelona, you can make wire transfers in any of the following BPI correspondent banks in Spain.

Note though that in some cases, wire transfers can be more expensive than sending through remittance companies, such as BPI remittance offices in Spain, so ask first how much the wire transfer fees are and compare.

For big amounts of money, though, wire transfers, such as those with BPI correspondent banks in Spain are among the safest ways to send money, particularly if your sending money from your account in the same bank.

Banco Bilbao Vizcaya Argentaria S.A
Banco de Sabadell SA
Banco de Valencia
Banco Español de Credito S.A.
Banco Popular Español
Banco Popular Español
Banco Santander S.A.
Barclays Bank S.A.
BNP Paribas
Caixa D’ Estalvis de Catalunya
Caja de Ahorros de Mediterraneo
Citibank Espana S.A.
Commerzbank AG
Deutsche Bank, Sociedad Anonima Espanola
The Bank of Tokyo-Mitsubishi UFJ, LTD

Send Money to the Philippines from Spain via BDO Remittance
International Money Transfer Partners of BDO


  1. cassy 12/06/2016
    • cassy 12/06/2016
  2. Unknown 11/16/2017
  3. Unknown 11/16/2017
  4. Tony endencio 01/06/2019
    • Nora Tamba 01/07/2019

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